Tag: Wga

Term 2 reflection

Hello everyone, term 2 has come to an end and term 3 has started, today I’m going to blog a term 2 reflection.

What were your highs and lows from last term? – A high that I had was when I scored a very high score on my science test near the end of the term. A low I had was during class when I received my results on my maths test that weren’t up to standard.

What did you feel proud of last term? – Most of my assessment results from last term I’m very pleased with (mostly in humanities).

Do you have any new subjects this term? – Despite Japanese and Art still being on my time table from last term, I took on a new option called Home economics.

Make two goals this term. – Two goals I want to achieve this term is to understand the language of maths better, alongside studying for longer and harder before a test or assessment.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day/night ciao.