Tag: PE


Hello everyone.

This past week we have been playing tchoukball during PE. Tchoukball is a sport in which basketball, netball and volleyball are mixed together.

To play tchoukball you need:

  • A rebound net
  • bibs/vest
  • a medium sized small ball

The basic rules.

  • you can only pass the ball three times, once you have passed it 3 times you need to throw the ball at the net.
  • you cannot go into the half circle near the net, it is forbidden.
  • you can only hold the ball for 3 seconds.
  • once there are 3 hits on one side of the net you have to score on the other side of the court.
  • if the other team throws the ball at the net, the ball will bounce on the ground, it is your job to catch the ball so the other team doesn’t score.
  • you can score on any side of the court.
  • you can’t run with the ball.
  • if you drop the ball its handover.

This is a diagram of the court, the half circle spaces are the forbidden areas.


I enjoyed this game although I wasn’t very good. I tried my best to try and be involved in the game. I was kind of confused though.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day or night. Ciao.

Netball PE

Hello everyone.

Last week and this week we have been doing Netball for PE, we learnt the positions, ways to pass the ball and shooting.

What is Netball? – Netball is a ball sport usually played by two teams of seven. Netball is often played by women.

  1. How do you play Netball?

Positions – WA (Wing Attack) is in charge of passing the ball to their teammates in order for GA and GS to shoot the ball.

WD (Wing Defence) in charge of defending WA and also passes the ball across the court to GA and GS.

C (Centre) passes the ball at the start of the game and could also be attack and defence.

GD (Goal defence) Patrols centre third and the circle, main job is to defend the opposing team from getting the ball in the net.

GS (Goal Shoot) Shoots the ball in the net.

GA (Goal Attack) Gets the ball safely to the net, they could defend someone from getting the ball or they could shoot in the net themselves.

GK (Goal Keep) They defend against the shooter and try to block GS from shooting.


How Have you gone? – I could say I was doing okay, I just need to pass to the defenders blind spot.

Active lifestyle

1 goal for being active in the school holidays

My goal is to go outside and socialise, join in with clubs and play more sports.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day/night ciao!



Hello everyone. In PE we have been learning on how to play Hockey. We tried drills and techniques like passing and more.

What is Hockey? – Hockey is a team sport which require a Hockey stick and a puck.

How do you play have Hockey? – In order to start the game you need to pass behind you to your teammate. The hockey stick cannot be above the waist, it has to stay on the ground. When the ball is coming towards the opposing team, block the ball using the stick then pass to your teammate in order to get it in the goal.

How have you gone for the last 2 weeks? – At first I wasn’t that good at the game, throughout the weeks I became more confident and was more involved. I could say my attitude was great and I supported my team.

What are Hellison’s level? – Hellison’s level has 5 levels: Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3. and Level 4.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day/night ciao!


Hello everyone. In PE we have been learning on how to play touch and methods on how to play touch. Touch is very similar to rugby but without the tackling and a normal game lasts 40 minutes.

You don’t need any gear for touch aside for a rugby ball.

The rules of touch:

  1. When the game starts you must be 5 meters away for the team that has the ball.
  2. if one of your teammates have the ball you must be behind them in order to get the ball passed to you if it gets passed to you and your in front of them its handover meaning you hand the ball to the next team.

My Strengths and weaknesses:

My strength is probably running with the ball when I get it.

My weakness is dropping the ball when it gets passed to me.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day or night ciao!

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