Tag: Music

Matariki Research

Hello everyone.

For todays music work we had to research about Matariki, We had to include answers to the following questions;

What is Matariki?

Name the 9 stars of Matariki.

Here is my work:


Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day or night. Ciao

Music Artist Research

Hello everyone.

we have been researching about two New Zealand artists of our choice, I chose Benee and Brooke Fraser. The task we were chosen to do was to research facts about our two artists and add them to a DLO.

Here is my work.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day or night. Ciao.

Progress so far – Music

Hello everyone.

In Music we are working on a group performance using instruments and singing.

Members Roles

Cate – Piano

Riansha – Drums

Jaren – Ukulele

Mikaela – Bass

Chytel – Piano/Singing

Denise – guitar/Singing

What song did you choose to do and why? – We chose Glitter by Benee since the song is very calm and has a nice beat to it and goes along with the instruments we chose.

What are the challenges of this song? – Its very fast and upbeat to keep up with and it was very hard to find a piano sheet to learn off from.

What are the challenges when working as a group? – It’s hard when all the instruments just clash together when practising, you can’t really hear what you are playing unless everyone else is quiet.

Which part of the song will you be rehearsing this week? – The chorus and the start.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day/night ciao!


Six60 Biography

Hello everyone!

For our Music task we were assigned to make a Six60 biography (Bio).

Here is my work.

Six60 was a band formed in Dunedin, New Zealand. The members met while studying at the University of Otago. The bands name was created because of the apartment they lived in (660 castle street Dunedin).  Their first song was called Only to be in the album called six60.

Their most popular song, Don’t forget your roots. Was awarded a certified gold within its first week of its release.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day/night ciao!


Guitar part 2

Hello everyone!

During Music we have learnt some chords like E, Em, and A.

Here is my work:

 Famous Guitar and Bass players 

Acoustic Guitar 

  1. Ed Sheeran.

He is from Hafilax, UK. He began writing his songs when he was 11 years old. His most popular songs are Shape of You, Perfect, Bad Habits, Thinking out Loud, and Galway Girl. 

  1. Tommy Emmanuel. 

He is from Musswellbrook, Australia. He is often known for being the best Guitar player in the world. 5 songs from him are: Guitar Boogie, April Sun In Cuba, Angelina, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, and Windy & Warm. 

Electric guitar

  1. Brian May

He’s an English Musician and is known for being in the famous rock band Queen. Here are 5 songs from him and the band: Queen,  Back to the light, A night at the opera, Made in heaven, and the works.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day/night ciao!


Guitar part 1

Hello everyone.

In Music we have been researching about the guitar and learning how to play the guitar.


Guitar Part 1  

  1. There are four sections of an Orchestra, which section does the guitar belong in? – Guitars are not considered to be an orchestra instrument, this is because of the tradition and they were too quiet to be heard but they are in the string family.
  2. List the other sections of an Orchestra – There are four sections of an orchestra: Strings, Percussion, Bass and woodwind.
  3. For each section, list 10 instruments for each section. The strings consist of first violins, second violins, violas, cellos, and double basses. The woodwind family contains flutes, piccolo, english horn, bass clarinet, E-flat clarinet, basson and more. In the brass section there are trumpets, trombones, tuba and horn. Lastly there is the percussion section which has xylophones, pianos, bass drum, gongs etc.
  4. find labelled pictures of the following guitar family instruments. Banjo, bass, 12 string guitar




Thank you for viewing my blog! Have a nice day/night ciao!

Music (Keyboard)

Hello everyone. In music we have been learning how to play the keyboard and some techniques on how to play the keyboard.

Here is my work:


List Five facts about these artists. 


Sergey Rachmanioff 

  1. He can reach 12 piano keys.
  2. He left Russia because of political confusion.
  3. He was known for having unsually large hands. 


Peter Bence 

  1. He’s known for being the fastest piano player in the world. 
  2. He is a Hungarian composer and pianist. 
  3. He broke a Guinness world record for the most piano key hits in one minute. 


Nina Somone 

  1. She came from poor beginnings. 
  2. Nina has never had a number one hit. 
  3. She suffered from bipolar disorder. 


The piano and the orchestra 


Where does the piano fit in an orchestra? – The piano fits in the percussion section/instruments. 

Which section is it in? – The percussion section. 

What qualification would you need to become a concert pianist? – Key skills, A degree level, training, experience and a degree field. 

What is the role of a Conducter in an orchestra? – the Conductor is assigned to position the tempo so it isnt just a bunch of instruments making different noises. 

What qualifications and experience would you need to become a conductor? – Conductors would need a bachelor and a masters degree. 

What is the CSO? – the CSO is the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra. 

Name some of the musicians and find out what music the CSO will be performing this year? – theme me up scotty!, the seasons and more.

Thank you for viewing my blog, have a nice day or night goodybye